CFO, Entrepreneur, Motivator, and Social worker

Social Influencer/Motivational Speaker. I was born in Bhutan and raised in Nepal. I did my education in refugee camp in Nepal, and higher studies in India and USA. I have studied the human society and found the solutions for many common problems, challenges, and difficulties of people. I have tried solving it with simple methods which can be easily applied. My goal is to educate you " How to live a prosperous life. Peace, Love, Care, and Happiness are what you deserve in your everyday life.

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Year As a CFO


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GMIC provides boasts meticulous accounting services. With financial precision at its core, GMIC ensures sound financial management, guided by Karna Gurung's expertise as an CFO we can help you manage your fin fostering fiscal health and strategic financial decision-making.


Start from $50

As the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at GMIC, Karna Gurung plays a pivotal role in shaping the financial landscape of the company. His expertise extends to overseeing financial operations, strategic financial planning, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. With a keen eye for detail, Karna Gurung, as CFO, contributes to GMIC's financial stability and growth, ensuring sound fiscal management and fostering a robust foundation for the company's success.

In conclusion, his association exemplifies a commitment to excellence in financial stewardship, fortifying GMIC's position in the industry.

Webflow Developer

Karna Gurung, associated with e-Global Media, is a proficient CFO. e-Global Media, With a keen eye for design and technical expertise, we contributes to crafting visually stunning and functionally robust websites, ensuring a seamless online experience for clients and users alike.

Webflow Developer

Start from $99

Karna Gurung, serving as the CFO at e-Global Media, brings financial acumen and strategic foresight to the forefront of the company's operations. In his capacity, he oversees the fiscal aspects, ensuring sound financial practices and contributing to the company's overall success. His role extends beyond traditional financial management, encompassing a dynamic understanding of the digital landscape and its financial implications.

With Karna Gurung's leadership, e-Global Media benefits from a unique blend of financial expertise and an insightful understanding of the web development landscape. As a Webflow Developer associated with e-Global Media, one can expect a harmonious convergence of financial prudence and cutting-edge digital solutions. Gurung's role as CFO not only reinforces financial stability but also positions e-Global Media as a forward-thinking entity, ready to navigate the digital realm with financial savvy and technological innovation.

Product Designer

Karna Gurung, associated with e-Global Media, leads our product design initiatives. e-Global Media, With a keen eye for innovation, we drive the creation of cutting-edge solutions, ensuring that our products seamlessly align with user needs and market trends

Product Designer

Start from $99

E-Global Media, under the financial stewardship of CFO Karna Gurung, has established itself as a pioneer in the digital landscape, with a particular focus on product design. Karna's strategic financial management has fueled the company's endeavors, allowing it to cultivate a dynamic team of product designers dedicated to innovation and creativity. This collaboration synergizes financial acumen with design excellence, ensuring that E-Global Media not only meets but exceeds industry standards in delivering cutting-edge products.

Karna Gurung's role as CFO at E-Global Media extends beyond financial oversight; it encompasses fostering an environment where financial stability and creative ingenuity coalesce. The result is a company that not only thrives in the competitive digital market but also sets new benchmarks in product design. Under Karna's guidance, E-Global Media exemplifies how financial leadership, coupled with a commitment to artistic innovation, can propel a company to the forefront of its industry, driving success and cultivating a legacy of excellence. ideate.

About me

Karna Gurung

I, Karna Gurung with my comprehensive expertise in financial management, accounting, strategic planning, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance, possesses the knowledge and acumen necessary to excel as a perfect Chief Financial Officer (CFO). My leadership, ethical conduct, and adeptness in aligning financial strategies with organizational goals make my a valuable asset for any company's financial stewardship.

My leadership, ethical conduct, and adeptness in aligning financial strategies with organizational goals make my a valuable asset for any company's financial stewardship.

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"Svikarokti" is a term in Sanskrit that translates to "Acceptance" in English. In a broader sense, it signifies the act of acknowledging, receiving, or embracing something with openness and approval. Svikarokti encapsulates the concept of welcoming and recognizing a situation, idea, or circumstance without resistance, emphasizing a positive and receptive attitude toward what is being presented or experienced. It embodies the willingness to accept, adapt, and integrate various aspects of life, fostering a sense of harmony and understanding.

In its essence, "Svikarokti" is more than a mere acceptance; it embodies the profound acknowledgment and embrace of a situation, idea, or reality. This term encapsulates the transformative power of acceptance, emphasizing not only recognition but an active willingness to integrate and understand. In conclusion, "Svikarokti" serves as a universal reminder of the strength found in embracing life's intricacies, fostering resilience, and paving the way for personal growth and collective harmony. It is a profound concept that transcends language barriers, resonating with the universal journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.


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We are elated with the accounting services provided by GMIC. The team's attention to detail, accuracy, and commitment to financial excellence have significantly streamlined our operations. GMIC's accounting services have not only met but exceeded our expectations, demonstrating their expertise and dedication to ensuring our financial success. We highly recommend GMIC for their outstanding accounting services, which have become an invaluable asset to our organization.

Nepalink Communication LLC

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We are immensely satisfied with the exceptional ISP and Cloud Storage services provided by Nepalink Communication LLC. The reliability and speed of their internet service have significantly improved our connectivity, and the seamless cloud storage solutions have transformed the way we manage and access our data. Nepalink's commitment to excellence is evident, and we wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking top-notch internet and cloud solutions.


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We are ecstatic about the outstanding Graphic Design and Website Development services provided by e-Global Media. Their team demonstrated unparalleled creativity and technical expertise, bringing our vision to life with precision and flair. The seamless collaboration, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering beyond expectations have made our experience truly exceptional. With e-Global Media, we've not just found a service provider; we've discovered a creative partner that consistently delivers excellence.

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Karna Gurung / Nov 8, 2023 / नेब्रास्का, अमेरिका

विम्ब बिनाको “म”

कोही अरूलाई खोज्छन् कोही आफैलाई खोज्छन् म भने चुपचाप छु त्यसैले होला सबै सोध्छन् तिमी किन मौन ? भन्न त मन छ म कसैलाई खोज्दिन जे छु ठिकै छु जहाँ छु ठिकै छु


Karna Gurung / Nov 8, 2023 / नेब्रास्का, अमेरिका

विम्ब बिनाको “म”

कोही अरूलाई खोज्छन् कोही आफैलाई खोज्छन् म भने चुपचाप छु त्यसैले होला सबै सोध्छन् तिमी किन मौन ? भन्न त मन छ म कसैलाई खोज्दिन जे छु ठिकै छु जहाँ छु ठिकै छु आफैलाई खोजेर वैकुण्ठ प्राप्त गर्नु छैन निर्वाण प्राप्त गर्नु छैन न त कथित स्वर्ग नै म त ब्रह्माण्डको सानो कण मलाई यसैमा ठिक छ कहिले मान्छे हुन्छु कहिले वनस्पति त कहिले माटो, पानी, हावा कहिले ऊर्जा शक्ति हुन्छु त कहिले के-के यो रूप फेरिरहन्छु मैले जानेको भ-ग-वा-न “भूमि, गगन, वायु, नक्षत्र” यसैमा समाहित छु म यसैको उपज हुँ र यसैसँग जिउँछु अनि यसैमा मिल्छु जे छु जस्तो छु सायद एउटा कण छु अहिले देखिने एउटा स्वरूप छ शक्तिसँगै परिवर्तनशील छु जे-जे बाट बने त्यसैमा मिसिन्छु तर थाहा छ यो ब्रह्माण्डमा असीमित सम्भावना छ बरु खोज्छौ भने त्यसलाई खोज यानहरूको पसल लगाऊ मङ्गलग्रह जाऊ ब्रह्माण्डको कुना-कुनामा खोज असीमितताको प्रमाण खोज खोज्छौ भने सम्भावनाको सूत्रहरू खोज आफू वा अरूलाई खोजेर मानसिक सन्तुलन गुम्ला विचलन प्राप्त होला ब्रह्माण्ड बारे सुन्न मात्र सकिएला तर सकिन्न जान्न अनि पुग्न म भन्छु कि अन्वेषण गर

कि म जस्तै चुपचाप बस जे छ – जस्तो छ त्यसैमा रमाऊ यस्तो थियो, त्यस्तो थियो यस्तो हुनेछ, त्यस्तो हुनेछ सम्झेर आफैलाई दुःखी नबनाऊ यो आफ्नो जिन्दगी हो वर्तमानलाई उत्सव बनाऊ परिस्थितिलाई परिवर्तन गर नत्र त्यो पल पनि बित्नेछ चिन्ता गरे धामी जस्तै कामिन्छ कामेपछि जोखाना देखिन्छ जोखानाले फेरि तनाव ल्याउँछ त्यसैले चिन्ता होइन सत्यताको चस्मा लगाऊ आँखाले राम्ररी देख्नेछ म कत्रो छु यो ब्रह्माण्डमा सा.…नो टुक्रा मान्छे “म” स्विकारिनेछ !

Karna Gurung / Nov 8, 2023 / नेब्रास्का, अमेरिका

लाचार जिन्दगी

एक दिन एउटा आउँछ लोपार्छ ! अनि जान्छ। अर्को दिन अर्को आउँछ लोपार्छ ! अनि फेरि जान्छ। तेश्रो दिन फेरि अर्कै आउँछ लोपार्छ ! पिँध फर्काएर जान्छ। आफ्नो होस् या पराई होस् आउने , लोपार्ने, र जाने


Karna Gurung / Nov 8, 2023 / नेब्रास्का, अमेरिका

लाचार जिन्दगी

एक दिन एउटा आउँछ लोपार्छ ! अनि जान्छ। अर्को दिन अर्को आउँछ लोपार्छ ! अनि फेरि जान्छ। तेश्रो दिन फेरि अर्कै आउँछ लोपार्छ ! पिँध फर्काएर जान्छ। आफ्नो होस् या पराई होस् आउने , लोपार्ने, र जाने यो लहर निरन्तर चलिरहेछ कहिले औँसीको दिन कहिले पूर्णिमाको दिन कहिले काही त पात्रोमा बार पनि नहेरी बिहान् उठ्न साथ कचेरा नपुछी कन कुकुरले 'आची' नखाई आउँछ-लोपार्छ अनि जान्छ। म केही बोल्न सक्दिनँ केही गर्न पनि सक्दिनँ लाचार म रुन पनि सक्दिनँ न रिसाउनै सक्छु हाँस्न त त्यस्तै हो म को हुँ ?

भन्न सक्दिनँ भक्त्त हुँ भनुँ भक्ति गर्दिनँ । मैले बिर्सेको "म" को हुँ ? त्यो पनि भन्न सक्दिन। अनिर्णयको बन्दी म मलाई एक दिन एउटा आउँछ लोपार्छ ! अनि जान्छ। अर्को दिन अर्को आउछ लोपार्छ।! अनि फेरि जान्छ। घडी घुमे जस्तै लाचार जिन्दगीमा यो क्रम निरन्तर ... निरन्तर चलिरहेछ ।

Karna Gurung / Nov 29 2022

The Best Community Service Award 2022

On November 26,2022, The social activist and president of GBLO mr. Karna Gurung was awarded with " The Best Community Service Award 2022" by GBO ...


Karna Gurung / Nov 29 2022

The Best Community Service Award 2022

On November 26,2022, The social activist and president of GBLO mr. Karna Gurung was awarded with " The Best Community Service Award 2022" by GBO for continuous service to community and promoting literature and serving community selflessly in United Staes of America and across the globe.

In conclusion, the recognition of Mr. Karna Gurung with 'The Best Community Service Award 2022' by GBO on November 26, 2022, stands as a testament to his unwavering dedication and selfless contributions. As a social activist and president of GBLO, Mr. Gurung's tireless efforts in promoting literature and serving communities, both locally in the United States and globally, have left an indelible mark. This award not only acknowledges his past achievements but also serves as an inspiration for others to follow in his footsteps, fostering a spirit of altruism and community enrichment.

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